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History of a Group
Grupo Caja Rural was established in 1989 and encompasses over 50% of the total volume of activity in the Spanish cooperative banking sector.

In mid 1989, 23 Cooperative Banks that had, until that moment, belonged to Grupo Asociado Banco de Crédito Agrícola - Cajas Rurales Asociadas (BCA), left the BCA and established the Asociación Española de Cajas Rurales (Spanish Association of Cooperative Banks). Since that time, more cooperative banks have joined the Association, making it one of the largest operational banking groups in the Spanish financial system.

The institutional framework the group represents, along with the business structure that has grown up around it, confirm the consolidation of a more recent and more intense concentration process within the Spanish cooperative banking sector.

  • 1984

    BCA (Banco de Crédito Agrícola) was established. The Associated BCA Cooperative Bank Group encompassed 51 Cooperative Banks.

  • 1986

    Seguros RGA (RGA Insurance) was established on 17 March 1986 to provide insurance services to Grupo Caja Rural. Rural Servicios Informáticos (Rural IT Services company) was also set up at that time, as the company responsible for defining and implementing a common group strategy for everything concerning automated information processing for Spanish Cooperative Banks.

  • 1989

    Twenty-three Cooperative Banks that had, until that moment, belonged to BCA, left the BCA and established the Asociación Española de Cajas Rurales (Spanish Association of Cooperative Banks).

  • 1990

    Banco Cooperativo Español, S.A. was established in 1990 to serve as the central bank for its shareholding Cooperative Banks. Its shareholders were 74 Spanish cooperative banks and a German credit institution. It comprises several companies, including Rural Inmobiliario, S.L., Gescooperativo, S.G.I.I.C., S.A., Espiga Capital Gestión, S.G.S.C.R and BCE Formación, S.A.

  • 2018

    The holding company GRUCAJRURAL INVERSIONES, S.L. was established in 2018 as the head company of the consolidated group of credit institutions to which both Banco Cooperativo Español, S.A. and RGA Seguros Generales Rural, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros belong; it respectively owns 87,95% and 99,99% of these two companies’ share capital.  

  • 2019

    Along with Banco Cooperativo Español, S.A. and Grucajrural Inversiones, S.L., the 30 Cooperative Banks that make up the group establish an institutional protection scheme in accordance with article 113.7 of Regulation 575/2013 (CRR). This is a major achievement, not only in the cooperative banking sector, but also in the Spanish banking system as a whole, since it is the first (and so far only) IPS of its kind to be officially recognised in Spain. It represents a model that has been successfully developed for several decades now in other European countries, particularly Germany with the BVR (Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken) Group, which has been a partner and ally of Grupo Caja Rural for over 30 years.

The Cooperative Banks in the Group have a well-defined field of action in which they operate separately, yet not in an isolated manner, since cooperation within the group enables them all to access broader markets. Grupo Caja Rural can therefore provide the same services as banks and savings banks, while at the same time maintaining strong ties with its local environment.

The integration strategy adopted by Grupo Caja Rural follows the same steps as other similar cooperative banking systems with a long tradition in Europe, some of which are counted among the leading banking groups on the continent, such as Pohjola Bank in Finland, Österreichische Raiffeisenbanken in Austria, Crédit Agricole in France and Volksbanken-Raiffeisenbanken in Germany.

At present, the 3o Cooperative Banks that constitute the Group make up the largest cooperative banking group in Spain, accounting for over 54% of the total volume of Cooperative Banks assets.

Asociación Española de Cajas Rurales
Grupo Caja Rural also has an Association that acts as a coordinating body and a debate forum for issues that are of interest to the Group.

Through its Association, Grupo Caja Rural establishes priorities, strategies and action policies. Moreover, among other things, through its Association, Grupo Caja Rural pursues the following goals:

  • 1

    To manage the mutual support guarantee funds set up by Grupo Caja Rural.


    To organise common services for the Cooperative Banks in the Group, in specific technical, legal, statistical, training, commercial or document-related areas.


    To foster the creation, where necessary, of new undertakings, which will collaborate in the pursuit of common goals by achieving the required economies of scale and improving the services provided to members and customers.


    To coordinate the activities of the Cooperative Banks in the Group's undertakings.

    espiga fondo


    To foster social trust in the Cooperative Banks and, in general, in the cooperative banking system, and to disseminate the philosophy and principles that make up its specific, exclusive business culture.


    To promote the activities of the Cooperative Banks in the Group and to coordinate their representation in relation to the public administration and other institutions.


    To foster the development of the principles of solidarity and reciprocal support among Associated Cooperative Banks.


    To organise common services for the Cooperative Banks in the Group, in specific technical, legal, statistical, training, commercial or document-related areas.


    To foster social trust in the Cooperative Banks and, in general, in the cooperative banking system, and to disseminate the philosophy and principles that make up its specific, exclusive business culture.


    To foster the creation, where necessary, of new undertakings, which will collaborate in the pursuit of common goals by achieving the required economies of scale and improving the services provided to members and customers.


    To promote the activities of the Cooperative Banks in the Group and to coordinate their representation in relation to the public administration and other institutions.


    To coordinate the activities of the Cooperative Banks in the Group's undertakings.


    To foster the development of the principles of solidarity and reciprocal support among Associated Cooperative Banks.

  • Gris claro

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  • FAQs

    What is Grupo Caja Rural?

    One of the leading banking groups in Spain. It has 2,346 local branches and 9,708 employees, and its financial and balance sheet soundness is reflected in the fact that its total assets are worth €91,188 million and its own funds totals €8,579 million.

    What entities make up Grupo Caja Rural?

    What can I do in Grupo Caja Rural's other Cooperative Banks in the group?

    A Group’s cooperative bank customer who wants to operate in another entity belonging to the group can do the following things:

    Make deposits*: cash, transfers, cheques.
    Make withdrawals*: cash, cheques or other documents.

    * Prior customer identification is required, along with consent from their local branch (depending on the type of document and sum in question).

    From which ATM machines can I withdraw cash?

    Debit cash withdrawals using our bank cards are NOT SUBJECT TO fee charge (1) in Grupo Caja Rural ATMs (2), or ATMs belonging to other Cooperative Banks (3); and are subject to preferential conditions (4) in the ATMs operated by Euro Automatic Cash, Grupo Cajamar, Laboral Kutxa, Bankinter, Deutsche Bank, Cashzone, Caja Almendralejo, Caja Ingenieros, Novo Banco, Bankoa, Banco Pichincha, Arquia and Caixa Guissona.

    Agreements with other entities



    More than 11,000 ATMs at your service...

    In the rest of the ATMs, we will charge the commission for cash withdrawals that the entity that owns the ATM settles with us together with the transaction itself.

    In any cash withdrawal, the ATMs will duly inform you of the costs of the transaction before accepting the operation.

    We remind you that you can locate the ATM network of our bank and the Caja Rural Group here, on the rvia mobile app, by calling 913 346 780 or 900 822 670.

    1The conditions may vary depending on the evolution of the market and will be communicated to you in accordance with current regulations.

    2 The Caja Rural Group entities are: Caja Rural Central, Caja Rural de Gijón, Caja Rural de Navarra, Caja Rural de Extremadura, Caja Rural de Salamanca, Caja Rural de Soria, Caja Rural Regional, Caja Rural Granada, Caja Rural de Asturias, Cajaviva, Caja Rural de Jaén, Caixa Rural Galega, Cajasiete, Caja Rural de Teruel, Caja Rural de Zamora, Caixa Rural de L'Alcudia, Caja Rural de Alcora, Caixa Rural de Algemesí, Caja Rural de Casas lbáñez, Caixa Rural de Almassora, Caja Rural de Onda, Ruralnostra, Caja Rural de Villamalea, Caja Rural de Albal, Caixa Rural Les Coves, Caja Rural del Sur, Globalcaja, Bantierra, Caixa Vinarós and Banco Cooperativo Español.

    3 Caja Rural de Utrera, Caja Rural de Baena, Caja Rural de Nueva Carteya, Caja Rural Cañete de las Torres, Caixa Rural La Vall San Isidro, Caja Rural de Adamuz, Caixa Rural de Benicarló.

    4See preferential conditions on your institution's website.

    Who should I call if I have a problem?

    Customer service

    Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

     91 334 67 80

    900 822 670 (free phone number)

    Card blocking

    Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

     91 334 67 80

     900 822 670 (free phone number)

    ATM incidents

    Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

     91 334 67 80

     900 822 670 (free phone number)

    What is ruralvía?

    ruralvía is the Internet Banking Service offered by Grupo Caja Rural. It offers you a convenient, simple way of managing your money without having to go in person to your local branch.

    You can also use it to sign up for new products, check your balance and movements and authorise operations in your accounts at the time that best suits you.

    For further information about ruralvía, visit http://ruralviamovil.com/